Monday, February 2, 2015

About This Blog

Hi! I'm Dina if you haven't already knew. I'm a rookie food blogger. I decided to create another blog, and it's gonna be a really personal blog. What i'm gonna be writing will mostly be my random thoughts, of life hahaa.. Or just random story of my everyday ordinary life. It's not going to be a really useful or funny blogpost, since i'm not a funny person at the first place. 
I kinda use this blog to write about what i feel and what i think about a certain issue, unfiltered, since sometimes i can't talk about it to my friends & family because it's too random, or i just didn't have the time to. So, yes sometimes it's gonna be pretty serious and heavy, and maybe negative, coz i'm certainly not a super positive person. But i do like to feel positive, i just can't force myself to be positive when i'm down.  Feel free to read, but also feel free to close the tab if you find it's too disturbing or depressing or just too freakin random. lol


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